At one extreme, there’s a lot of talk–rightly or wrongly–about administrative bloat. At the other, it might strike as absurd that gender equity issues would fall to volunteers. Please advise.
Monthly Archives: March 2017
Goals: What? How? When?
What should we be trying to do this year? by 2020? beyond? How should we go about it, and who should keep track of how it’s going? We welcome your comments & suggestions.
Report Card 3.17.17
Our first two goals have to do with the big picture. How is Hopkins progressing? Comments, kudos, suggestions, worries, ideas from other universities . . . (what the symbols mean)
Report Card Time!
It’s time to evaluate how close we are to achieving the goals for gender equity set back in 2006 in the Vision 2020 report.
Every day for the rest of Women’s History Month, we will post a few goals from Vision 2020, along with draft commentary on how Hopkins seems to progressing toward the goal. It’s a draft because we hope to incorporate your feedback before we meet with the deans in mid-April.
Please send your comments and suggestions, either via our email or in the comments section. And please share these with your colleagues and friends who may have input as well!
To make the Report Card less text-heavy, we’re using some icons. Here’s the key:
Women’s History Month
On the Ides of March we wanted to tip our hat to Women’s History Month. This JSTOR link has lots of quick articles about women in various fields–chess, journalism, prohibition, astronomy, the arts. Browse around and then season your conversations & class discussion with a bit of March.