Category Archives: Institutional Climate

Sexual Harassment & Assault in the Academy . . . as of 11.15.2017

It is with horror, and without surprise, that many of us read the most recent reports about men who have abused their power.

Yesterday the Chronicle published a summary of recent accounts in the academy.

You can read more about the Stanford cases here and more about the Princeton case here.

For folks able to come tonight, please know we are going to brainstorming what–big or small–can make it better for women at Hopkins. Hope to see you there. Plus, the food will be excellent.

Sexual Harassment at Work

Over the week the New York Times published an overview of sexual harassment in the work setting–definitions of harassment and options for recourse. I am still trying to figure out why it’s in the Style section. . . . In any case, the link to the article is below, as well as the link to JHU’s OIE website on harassment and discrimination.

Valeriya Safronova, “When You Experience Sexual Harassment at Work” (NYT 11/10/17)

JHU Office of Institutional Equity: Harassment and Discrimination

And don’t forget . . . Please come by for good food and good company this Wednesday, Nov 15, 5:30-7pm at Mudd Atrium for “Where We Stand: Women @ Hopkins.” Hope to see you there! Kids welcome.

“Abusers and Enablers in Faculty Culture”

“Anytime you have a highly competitive system in which a single person has the power to make or break someone else’s career — whether it’s the crowded, greasy pole of Hollywood or a flooded Ph.D. pipeline — you will have abuse. Not only rape and overt sexual aggression, but also the many complicated and twisted forms of abuse that can sink a woman’s chances of succeeding in an already biased business.”

-K.A. Amienne, Chronicle of Higher Ed (11/2/17)

Read the full article here

Dear Colleagues, what is next for Title IX?

On Sept 7, 2017, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos spoke about concerns about Title IX enforcement. We wanted to share here what we’ve seen so far in response from JHU. If we are missing something, please comment and add the link! Thanks.

Vice Provost for Institutional Equity Kim Hewitt spoke to the HUB days later. A quick excerpt: “We were mindful of the guidance of the ‘Dear Colleague’ letter when we revised our policies and procedures and will be following closely the efforts of Secretary DeVos,” Hewitt said. “We want to emphasize, however, that the secretary’s announcement does not change Johns Hopkins policy. Our current policy and procedures remain fully in effect.”

Two days ago, September 14, the News-Letter published “Admin Resists Potential Shift in Sexual Assault Policy.”  Addressing administrative and student response, the article quotes Title IX Coordinator and Assistant Vice Provost Joy Gaslevic, who “affirmed the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE)’s commitment to addressing sexual misconduct on campus regardless of changes in federal guidelines.”

“We are watching closely to see what the Department of Education will do with regard to prior guidance,” Gaslevic wrote. “[The University’s] policy regarding sexual misconduct remains in place and would not automatically change even if that guidance is rescinded.”

The article includes responses from SARU (Sexual Assault Resource Unit at JHU) and students from the (mandatory) Bystander Intervention Training.

Meanwhile, here’s this from September 7 (same day DeVos spoke) from UC schools and UC-Berkeley.

What FAQs do you have concerning women at Hopkins?

FAQs02Broadly communicating information on women’s issues is one of the goals of the CSW. In preparing our Report Card, our questions ranged from faculty mentorship to child care leave to salary equity. Even within our committee there was uncertainty about policies on some issues. And for the future we hope to make it easier for all of us to be informed.

Towards this end, we are preparing an FAQ with a centralized  list of answers and pointers to resources. If we don’t know the answer, we will pursue it through the appropriate channels.

What would you like to know?

Leave a public comment,  email one of us or bring your question to the upcoming Faculty Assembly meeting, and we’ll add it to the CSW FAQ list.