Category Archives: Unconscious Bias

Garland Hall seeks YOUR feedback on diversity & inclusion

The JHU Office of Diversity and Inclusion is looking for feedback (by Wednesday 11/21, the day before Thanksgiving) on: (1) diversity and inclusion statements and (2) discrimination and harassment policy and procedures.garland hall

Here’s the full text from Office of Diversity & Inclusion:

As we develop or update university-level policies at Johns Hopkins, we work to identify and seek feedback from key stakeholders who may be affected by them. This process includes consultations with faculty and academic leaders, including through academic councils and a new standing committee of vice deans; student groups and governing bodies; and staff and administrators with expertise in related areas, such as student affairs, finance, and human resources.

Key policy issues also benefit enormously from input across the entire university community, so that we are sure to capture as wide a range of views as possible.

To provide feedback by November 21, visit:



Women Faculty Forum in the News-Letter

“Report Reveals Gender Inequity in Academia” by Sabrina Abrams (11/1/2018)

Here’s your excerpt du jour: Screen Shot 2018-11-06 at 9.02.11 PM

Fleming . . . explained that hierarchical power structures inherent in academic institutions allow sexual harassment to take place more often. She pointed out that hostile conditions often occur in laboratories, where principal investigators (PIs) are in charge of student researchers.

Senior Sam Gomes agreed, describing situations where her peers had experienced gender-based harassment during their research experiences.

“After learning about the types of gender harassment that can take place in an academic setting, I realized that a lot of my friends’ complaints about their lab PIs and professors were actually complaints of gender harassment,” she said.

[The image above is a slide from Prof Fleming’s presentation on the NAS report]